
Showing posts from May, 2021

2020 is Hindsight: A Collection of Pandemic Observations and Absurdities

2020 is Hindsight by Skip Pulley This journal is posted in reverse order, on the dates each post was written. The final entry is the first to appear; the first entry is the last one to be read. Feel free to discuss these journal entries in the comments using your own thoughts in your own words. Don't just post a link with no context. Posting links and memes as response is lazy apologist conformity. If you can't find a way to make your point, then you probably don't have one. There are books and documentaries listed at the bottom of the post which are available for order. I suggest you expand your mind in order to keep up the debate. "I predict that the lab-leak theory will one day be confirmed, even in the mainstream media; as well as the fact that MNRA vaccines were designed to alter human DNA." Skip Pulley, May 1 2021 January 3rd, 2021 These so-called "variants" are a clear confirmation that this virus, whatever it is, and wherever it came from, is he...